T Ball Start Date, News (Walkerton Minor Ball)

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May 19, 2016 | Mike Klein | 896 views
T Ball Start Date
Just want to let everyone know that T Ball will be starting on Monday May 30th on Diamond 3 at 5:30pm.

T Ball will run on two separate nights this season, Monday and Wednesday Night on Diamond #3. We realize that there are some players who are also playing Soccer so that is why we are offering two different night.

On the first night they will look at splitting the kids up based on nights you are available.

I apologize for the early start time this year but due to the lack of available diamond space this season we are trying our best to work everyone in.  

We do have the option of using Mother Theresa School, however there are no washrooms available at this location so it might not work out.

If you have any questions or concerns please let me know by email at [email protected]

Thank You 