T Ball Start Date, News (Walkerton Minor Ball)

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May 18, 2017 | Mike Klein | 1105 views
T Ball Start Date
We are looking to get T Ball started on Monday May 29th at Lobbies Park.  

T Ball  run from the end of May until the end of July.  We have 49 kids signed up this year which is awesome, this is our highest number in a long time. We will split it up into 4 teams. 

We have two nights for T Ball, Monday and Wednesday night.  We have it scheduled at Lobbies Park in two time slots, 6pm and 7pm.  Our thought for this year was to have two teams play on Monday Night and alternate the time slot each week so be 6pm one week and 7pm the next week on the same night and do the same with Wednesday Night Once we get into last June or July you can look at playing games against the other teams. 

What I am looking for is a volunteer or two to help split up the teams before the first night so we don’t have 49 kids show up for the first night, that would be mass confusion, lol

If you would like to take this on please reply back to me and I can forward the contact list to you and add you as an authorized sender on this mail list.

