Jun 19, 2017 | tvanderwoude | 1128 views
Chicken Order Delivery
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for participating in the chicken fundraiser. Below are some details about delivery and pick up to ensure the process runs smoothly this year.
Pick up date : Thursday June 22, 2017
Pick up times: 430pm - 530pm
Location: Walkerton Arena
Please no early birds!
The only way to access the arena that day will be through the front door as the side door will be locked to ensure the process flows. A volunteer for that day will be signing off on orders as they go out the door please ensure the list is checked off by a volunteer.
Please do not send people who bought chicken from you to pick up part of the order as that is way to confusing for everyone. The sellers family is responsible to pick up the whole order.
It will run one of two ways depending on timing:
You will be given your sheet when you come to the arena and all products will be labelled for you to go and pick your own order and then have the ordered signed off by a volunteer as you leave.
We will have the orders set out (depending on time) for you to pick up your pile of orders and then signed off by a volunteer as you leave.
There will not be any late pickups and there is no space to store the orders so please ensure you have picked up your order by 530pm.
Thank you,
Tabatha VanderWoude
Walkerton Minor Ball Executive