Chicken Order Due Date, News (Walkerton Minor Ball)

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Jun 22, 2018 | tvanderwoude | 580 views
Chicken Order Due Date
Elmira Poultry orders are due June 28th

Hi everyone,
Your child's coach will be arranging the date to bring back your chicken order forms to have them submitted to myself. The cut off date for orders is June 28th and there will be no exceptions to this! 
Once I have the delivery date I will send out an email letting everyone know. Generally it is approximately 2 weeks later depending on Elmira Poultry. The pick up location for the products is usually the arena.  I will confirm and I ask that the seller is the one who picks up all the products as we will not be able to let individuals come in and pick up their part of an order from a seller as it gets to confusing! If you will be on holidays when the order arrives please arrange to have someone pick up the order for you! We are hoping pick up will run smooth like last year and please ensure that pickup is within the time frame given as it is summer and the products really need to get into a freezer as quickly as possible.