Jul 24, 2018 | amcintyre | 2167 views
WMB Player Competing In Ontario Games!
On the August Civic Long weekend, Walkerton
Minor Ball will be represented at the Ontario Summer Games in London.
Cameron Klein will be one of 16 players on the Western Ontario Baseball
Association Team that will compete in a 12 Team Tournament.
Cameron plays on the Walkerton Bantam 1 team. Cameron also plays in Kincardine on their OBA Bantam Team and also on the Major Bantam WOBA Bulls Team.
The Ontario Summer Games is held every two years and Bantam aged players in WOBA have a chance to tryout for the team. They will play against other associations throughout Ontario at the Summer Games.
Walkerton Minor Ball is very proud to be represented on this year's team.
Congratulations Cameron and good luck!!