OBA Baseball, News (Walkerton Minor Ball)

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Sep 20, 2018 | amcintyre | 2958 views
OBA Baseball
Information on Fall try-outs and 2019 OBA Baseball

OBA Baseball  -  Fall Try-Outs

HMB and WMB are teaming up to run OBA teams (competitive rep teams) for players in the Hanover, Walkerton, Mildmay, Teeswater areas in Rookie, Mosquito, PeeWee, and Bantam levels next year (numbers permitting).

Anyone interested in coaching one of the Saugeen River Bandits teams, should contact Peter Kritz ASAP at [email protected]

If your child plans to try out for one of the teams, please reply to the appropriate email, so we can determine if there is enough interest for a team and to ensure we have enough help at the tryouts.

Rookie – [email protected]

Mosquito – [email protected]

Peewee – [email protected]

Bantam - [email protected]

We hope to have try outs in the upcoming weeks. They will be held at the Walkerton ball diamonds.

There will be a $10 tryout fee to be paid at first tryout. Tentative dates (depending on interest/availability) are:

Sun. Sept. 23 1:00-3:00

Thurs. Sept. 27 time TBD

Fri. Sept. 28 time TBD

Sun. Sept. 30 time TBD

Please note: the registration fee to play at this level will be approx. $275 and travel WILL be required as teams will play in an OBA league and attend tournaments. Indoor practices will begin this winter/spring. The year-end tournament will be Labour Day weekend and you must be able to commit to playing in it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact [email protected]