Chicken Order Date Change, News (Walkerton Minor Ball)

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Jul 09, 2019 | tvanderwoude | 1440 views
Chicken Order Date Change
Change to chicken order pickup!

Hello All,
There has been a change of the delivery date for the Elmira Poultry order, the new delivery date is MONDAY JULY 15th pickup time is 400-445.  Please try to be there by 430 at the latest as I don't want to leave the products sitting for to long in the hot weather and this the recommendations by Elmira Poultry!  Pickup is at the arena on the ice surface.  
I am looking for students to help unload the truck, if you have a student in your home who would like a few hours of volunteer time please message me so I can make arrangements with them!  
I would like to thank coaches and families for making the process of getting order forms handed in run smoothly!  With an over $30,000 order it has run very smooth this far! I appreciate everyone who has participated!
Thanks everyone!!